How to validate images for VMs

Why is validation necessary?

  1. The purpose of validating an image is to insure that it is legitimate and hasn’t been replaced by a tampered iso.
  2. Validation is necessary before the virtual machine manager will enable an image to create a virtual machine
  3. Unfortunately, the validation process differs for each Linux distribution as described in their documentation
  4. This presentation explains the process for the following distros
    1. Fedora
    2. Rocky Linux
    3. Alma Linux
    4. Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)

Download & Verify Fedora

  1. The instructions for verifying a Fedora ISO are here but they are hard coded for a specific release and image – Provisioning the Server VM image
  2. Instead of using those instructions, it is easy to download the required files (IOS image and checksum) and upload them to the server with SFTP.

Red Hat

rpm --import -vv /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-*

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