Why is validation necessary?
- The purpose of validating an image is to insure that it is legitimate and hasn’t been replaced by a tampered iso.
- Validation is necessary before the virtual machine manager will enable an image to create a virtual machine
- Unfortunately, the validation process differs for each Linux distribution as described in their documentation
- This presentation explains the process for the following distros
- Fedora
- Rocky Linux
- Alma Linux
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)
Download & Verify Fedora
- The instructions for verifying a Fedora ISO are here but they are hard coded for a specific release and image – Provisioning the Server VM image
- Instead of using those instructions, it is easy to download the required files (IOS image and checksum) and upload them to the server with SFTP.
Red Hat
rpm --import -vv /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-*